Budget Done And Dusted, Focus Shifts To Appointment Of Governors In Key States

In addition to appointment of governors, the government also has to make decisions with respect to Lieutnant Governors for a few union territories. 

Falling Health Budget Allocations Underline The 'Back To Normal' Neglect Of Healthcare

Many health experts hoped the pandemic's aftermath would see a rising focus on basic health infrastructure and result in requisite increases in government expenditure. However, as real-time data and information confirm now, those were just hopes

Room At The Top: Race Heats Up For Topmost Bureaucratic Job In The Country

Incumbent Cabinet Secretary Rajiv Gauba's term ends on August 30 and he will demit office after having served for the longest term as Cabinet Secretary of India. The race for his job is now heating up with many contenders in the zone of consideration

Removal Of Indexation Benefit On Home Sales May Have Larger Impact On Economy

The removal of indexation benefits has dented sentiments and is expected to take the sheen away from the much-sought after real estate sector as an asset class. And possibly encourage the return of the cash economy